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About us

The Word of Faith Bible Institute [WOFBI] is a Ministry/Leadership Training Centre, which serves as the training arm of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. The Institute runs periodical two weeks specialized courses termed “SPECIALS”.


It was instituted in fulfilment of the mandate God gave the Founder, David Oyedepo, saying “I will through this ministry raise the foundations of many other ministries.”


The anchor scripture here is “And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them into Dan.” (Genesis 14:14).

It takes training to triumph and no one arms a man who is not trained. That is what WOFBI stands for; to train and raise men and women for exploits. The Institute is a scriptural training school where “kingdom soldiers” are trained and made.



The Institute took off on September 1st 1986 at Kaduna, Nigeria and subsequently established a campus in Lagos in the year 1993. Since then, thousands of students have been graduated from the numerous campuses all over Nigeria and different campuses in all nations globally where WOFBI has established its presence. Presently, tens of thousands of students enroll and graduate anually from WOFBI Campuses around the world, with testimonies that cannot be denied.



The courses are designed to motivate participants positively towards distinction both in their secular as well as spiritual engagements.

The Vision of the Institute is in line with the mandate given to Dr. David Oyedepo in May 1983 when the Holy Ghost said to him,

“I WILL THROUGH THIS MINISTRY RAISE THE FOUNDATION OF MANY OTHER MINISTRIES”. For this reason, the Institute’s Curriculum is designed to inculcate covenant excellence in Leadership, Ministry, Social, Economic and other areas of human endeavours.


The courses offered are:

Basic Certificate Course [BCC]

This is the Foundation Course for those who have never attended any previous WOFBI program

Leadership Certificate Course [LCC]

This is a Leadership Development/Motivational Course, for those who have attended the BCC Specialized program

Leadership Diploma Course [LDC]

This is the Advanced Leadership Course, opened to those who have successfully passed through the WOFBI LCC program



At WOFBI, we do not offer mere secular education; we also provide deep spiritual enlightenment, as well as mental empowerment for exploits. WOFBI is not just a place of learning; it is actually a place of transfigurative encounter.

In the words of Dr. David Oyedepo, “There is no mountain anywhere; every man’s ignorance is his mountain”. It is your light that defines your limit, if you will submit to the forces of enlightenment; you will subdue every mountainous issue of your life.


In practical fulfilment of the prophecy that gave birth to the establishment of the Institute, many ministers of the gospel have attended this programme and have had their ministries established on a sound footing and witnessed consistent growth. Other participants have had their marriages and families established. They have had dynamic business growth and many have their spiritual lives enhanced and experienced financial turnarounds.


So far, hundreds of thousands have passed through WOFBI in Nigeria and all over the campuses of the Institute in our entire church network across the globe.

Students and graduates cut across different strata of life which include men and women in flourishing Christian ministries, armed forces, entrepreneurs, managers and directors of organizations, career men and women, business men and women, professionals, skilled and unskilled workers. The programme is well-arranged and packaged to accommodate everyone from all works of life, background and status.


This Institute is open to persons from all denominational and educational backgrounds.

© Word of Faith Bible Institute,

Durumi Phase II, Abuja.

All rights reserved.


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