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Wofbi Testimonies!

Below are some testimonies shared by students of the Word of Faith Bible Institute - Durumi II Campus. These testify to the power of God's word when attended to and practically applied. We pray that these testimonies will not only inspire you to acct in faith, but also that God will specifically duplicate them in your life:

Acts 10:24 says:​

  • Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons (KJV),

  • And opening his mouth, Peter said, Truly I see that God is not a respecter of faces (LITV),

  • Peter then said: Now I am certain that God treats all people alike. (CEV)

I want to thank God for what he has done for me. He has fought my battles. During the last days of WOFBI, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I open my door each morning only to step out to always notice freshly killed reptiles in front of my door step. I thank God because I know he has won the battle for me.
I bless the name of the Lord.​​​​​​​​​

Cynthia Chika Onyeiwu

I came to WOFBI because there were some of my expectations still pending and in the first week of WOFBI, God answered my first request which is the completion of the roofing of our personal house that we could not finish for almost a year, but God of WOFBI did it.
In the second week of WOFBI, after class one Monday, I saw a text message asking me to come to the office to pick up a letter. I went and it was a letter for me to go on an official tour after the completion of WOFBI course.
God delivered my husband from death.
God granted my mother and my sister safety on their way to Lagos from the hands of armed robbers.
Via communion, my friend who has been in the hospital called me that he has been in the hospital because of kidney problem and needs N 300,000 for analysis test. During signs and wonders class, I met the Pastor and he prayed on the communion that I got and took to my friend in the hospital. The next day, my friend called me to tell me he woke up very strong like never before.
Praise God.

Adache Alaba

After the teaching one Thursday on Team Spirit, the Lord used the word to restore sanity and peace in my office.​​​​​​​​​​
Margaret Bassey Effiom

I want to thank God for his faithfulness. In the second week of WOFBI, I got a call to come and pick up my appointment letter in an aviation company. God also blessed me materially and financially in the course of the WOFBI programme.
I give God all the glory.

Ogunmola Dorcas

My interlocking blocks that have been very slow in sales for some months took a dramatic turn around by the first week of WOFBI to sales of millions of Naira despite the location of the factory in the remote village of Jikoko (Mpape).​​​​​​​​​​​
Omowunmi Onanuga

I have been a late sleeper and wake up late; during the WOFBI programme, even though I slept late, God woke me early to be in school early and I never missed one lecture.
People that owed me started calling me to come take my money, and my shop tenant at Utako market paid me my money.
God provided all that my daughter and her husband needed to travel abroad and granted them safe journey.
Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me.

Whiterose Igwegbe

I have been having a throat problem for some months that has persisted inspite of prayers and taking communion, believing God for my healing. I came to attend WOFBI, believing God will heal me, and after the first class there was no trace of the problem.
I also asked God to provide all the resources I needed for WOFBI and I was never stranded; even on days that I had nothing on me God supernaturally provided for me.
To God be all the Glory.

Ichi Tamuno

The Lord blessed my family with a plot of land we had applied for by direct allocation shortly before WOFBI and now the acknowledgment is out already.
My husband has also been receiving financial blessings since I started WOFBI, I give all the glory to God.

Esosa Martha Atoe

My younger brother is supposed to have gone for youth service since 2011, but a particular course in school that has been holding him back. Before I started WOFBI, he rewrote the exam and I took that issue as one of my prayer points during this programme. Today, my brother has made his paperand will be going to service this month.
I give God all the glory.​​


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