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Exploits of Faith (EOF)

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith”  

1 John 5:4


  • To help the students locate the strategies for making their faith to produce.
  • To help them access the tangible evidences and proofs of having faith.
  • To unfold the reality of heaven on earth living in the Christian walk.
  • To help the students operate the degree of faith that will entrench their status here on earth.
  • To unfold the avenues for sweatless victory through the vital faith boosters. 
  • To help the student possess a level of authority with their faith that will constantly keep them above their needs and wants
  • To help the student grow consistently in their operation of faith. Faith is a walk. There is always a higher level of faith to attain.


  • Exploits of Faith by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • The Law of Faith by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • All you Need to Have All Your Needs Met by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Rescued From Destruction by Pst (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo
  • The Authority of the Believer by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • The Force of Faith by Kenneth Copeland
  • The Spirit of Faith by Pst (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo
  • How Faith Works by Fredrick KC Price
  • Born to Win by Dr. David Oyedepo


Lesson One: Introduction
Lesson Two: Importance of Faith
Lesson Three: The Source of Faith

Lesson Four: The power of Faith for exploits
Lesson Five: Degrees of Faith
Lesson Six: How to generate Faith for exploits
Lesson Seven: How to activate or Release your Faith for Exploit
Lesson Eight: Guarantor of Faith for Exploits: Hope, The Heart,

The Force of Declaration, Corresponding

Lesson Nine: Manifestation of Faith for Exploits: Victory, Healing, Signs and Wonders
Lesson Ten: 3 Boosters of Faith for Exploits
Lesson Eleven: The 5Cardinal Enemies of Faith

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