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Family Life (FML)

“… male and female created he them. So God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth …”

Gen. 1:28


  • ​To know What marriage and family life are?
  • To know God's purpose for instituting marriage
  • To know Why it is important to succeed at marriage
  • To know ​How marriage affect all the three dimensions of a man/woman


  • Making Marriage Work by Faith Oyedepo
  • Raising Godly Children by Faith Oyedepo
  • Building A Successful Family by Faith Oyedepo
  • Success in Marriage by Faith & David Oyedepo
  • The Successful Family by Creflo A. Dollar & Taffi L. Dollar
  • How to make Marriage Exciting by Charles & Frances Hunter
  • Marriage Covenant by Derek Prince
  • Marriage and the Family by K. C. Price
  • 60 things God said about sex by Lester Sumrall
  • God’s Blue Print for a happy home by Lester Sumrall
  • Building Strong Families and Marriages by Bill Joe Daugherty
  • Holy Wisdom to Build Happy Homes by Jack Hayford
  • Marriage Plus by Ray Mosholder



Lesson One: Introduction
Lesson Two: The Institution Of Marriage
Lesson Three: Purposes Of Marriage
Lesson Four: The Nature Of Man

Lesson Five: The Christian Home
Lesson Six: Principles Of A Successful Home
Lesson Seven: Enemies Of Family Success
Lesson Eight: The Power-Base For A Sweet Christian Home

Lesson Nine: Accepting Marital Responsibilities
Lesson Ten: Getting Married
Lesson Eleven: Hope For The Hopeless – Mending The Fence

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