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Ministry and Family (MAF)

“If a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God”

1 Timothy 3:5


  • To help each student understand the importance of the family as foundation for success in ministry as well as the inter relationship between ministry and family. Psalm 11:3
  • To clearly present the reality of family success and to elicit factors that make for effective family relationship
  • To explore biographical studies on ministry and family so as to enable students draw lessons for living


  • Marriage Covenant by Faith Oyedepo
  • Building Strong Marriages & Families by Billy Joe Daugherty
  • Billy Graham (official biography) by John Pollock
  • Daughter of Destiny by Jamie Buckingham
  • Kenneth E. Haggin’s 50yrs in the Ministry
  • The story of my Life by Oswald J. Smith
  • Fire in his bones by Ruth A. Garlock
  • God’s man in the Market place by Paul H. Heidebrecht
  • God’s Blueprint for a Happy Home by Lester Sumrall
  • How to make your marriage Exciting by Charles & Frances Hunter
  • The House that God built by Kenneth Hagin & Kenneth Hagin Jnr.
  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey



Lesson One: Introduction
Lesson Two: Enjoying Honour and Marital Bliss


Lesson Three: Family Relationships
Lesson Four: Dangers Of Marital Disharmony
Lesson Five: Overcoming Family Challenges


Lesson Six: Learning From The Examples Of Others (Biographical Studies)  
Lesson Seven: Conclusion

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