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New Creation Fundamentals (NCF)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”



  • To stir up a desire for the miraculous
  • To set the fire of God burning in the hearts of men. Jer. 20:9
  • To recreate a working knowledge of the Acts of the Apostles in the present day Covenant child.
  • To expose the church to active Christian living
  • To identify strengths and weaknesses of the Apostles in order to build on their strengths and learn from their weaknesses.
  • To show the purpose of Pentecost and how to maximize the benefits therein.


  • New Creation Realities by E.W. Kenyon, 1945 – 1964
  • The Father and His Family by E.W. Kenyon
  • The Bible In The Light Of Our Redemption by E.W. Kenyon
  • Christian Foundations by Dr Lester Sumrall
  • The Conquest Of The Mind by Elbert Wills
  • Why Revival Tarries by Leanard Ravenhill
  • What Shall We Name The Baby? by Warren W. Wiersbe
  • A Living Witness by Faith A. Oyedepo
  • Exploring The Riches Of Redemption by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Breaking Financial Hardship by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Excellency Of Wisdom by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Releasing The Supernatural by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Resurrection by Bob Yandian
  • The Believer’s Authority by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • Growing Up Spiritually by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • Spiritual Stamina (Biblical Workouts For A Lasting Faith) by Stuart Briscoe
  • The Power Of The Blood by H.A Maxwell White
  • The Blood Triumph by Dr. David Oyedepo



Lesson One: Introduction
Lesson Two: Why New Birth
Lesson Three: The Emergence Of The New Man
Lesson Four: What Really Happened At New Birth

Lesson Five: Understanding Man’s Make-Up
Lesson Six: Maximizing The Spirit
Lesson Seven: The Natural Man/The Spiritual Man

Lesson Eight: Manifesting Your Sonship
Lesson Nine: Instruments Of Your
Lesson Ten: Your Spiritual Resources

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