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Principles of Church Growth (PCG)

“…I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

Matt. 16: 18



  • To present to the students biblical factors and strategies responsible for an ever flourishing church ministry.
  • To teach pastors and church workers how to bring about excellence in church administration.
  • To create an awareness that we are in the multitude era of the church. Jesus commanded multitudes in his ministry and we are to do the same.
  • To understand the principles of growth and learn how we can apply the same to every area of our individual lives


  • Exploits In Ministry by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Towards Excellence In Ministry by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • The Church Growth Manuals by David Young-Cho
  • The Triumphant Church by Kenethh Hagin
  • Church Planting by David Abioye
  • Strategies For Church Growth by Peter C. Wagner
  • Supernatural Evangelism by Dr. James Richard



Lesson One: Realities Of Church Growth
Lesson Two: Fundamentals of Church Growth
Lesson Three: Church Growth Boosters
Lesson Four: Tools For Church Growth


Lesson Five: Growing A Vibrant Church: Raising Strong Based Committed Members

Lesson Six: Motivating Followership for Growth
Lesson Seven: Leadership Development and Delegation

Lesson Eight: General Communications


Lesson Nine: Building A Long Lasting Solid Church Structure

Lesson Ten: Church Administration and Finance

Lesson Eleven: Expending Funds

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