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Principles of Divine Health (PDH)

“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily…”

Isaiah 58:8


  • To expose the students to the reality of total health and longevity.
  • To unfold to the students the spiritual and covenant provisions for Divine Health.
  • To provide the fundamentals for accessing total health and divine healing.


  • Keys to Divine Health by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • The Healing Balm by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Satan Get Lost! by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • The Release of Power by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Signs and Wonders Today by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Faith and Confession by Charles Capps
  • God’s Creative Power for Healing by Charles Capps
  • Divine Healing by Novel Hayes
  • Christ the Healer by F. F. Bosworth
  • This is Your Day of Miracle by Benny Hinn
  • Healing the Sick by T. L. Osborn
  • Harvest of Health by Gloria Copeland



Lesson One: Introduction

Lesson Two: The Ministry Of Jesus In Relation To Divine
Lesson Three: Wholeness And Holiness
Lesson Four: Health And Healing

Lesson Five: Seven Ways Jesus Healed
Lesson Six: New Testament Manifold Wisdom For Healing
Lesson Seven: Hindrances To Health And Healing
Lesson Eight: Seven Things To Remember About Divine Health
Lesson Nine: The Mind And Divine Health

Lesson Ten: Secrets Of Divine Health

Lesson Eleven: Developing Hunger For Divine Health
Lesson Twelve: The Effect Of Lack Of Love On Your Health
Lesson Thirteen: Your Right To Health
Lesson Fourteen: Some Powerful Statements On Health and Healing

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