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Principles of Ministry (POM)

“And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.”

Col. 4:17


  • To familiarise the students with the fundamentals of Ministry.
  • To help students acquire the details on how to start a ministry and run the ministry.
  • To equip the students to deal with oppositions in the process of running the ministry, and
  • To possess the adequate steps to be taken to enjoy growth in ministry


  • Towards Excellence in Life and Ministry by Dr. David  O. Oyedepo
  • Exploits in Ministry by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • Seven Steps to Excellence in Ministry by Kenneth Copeland
  • Practical suggestions for successful Ministry by Dr. Fred K.C Price
  • Understanding Divine Direction by Dr. David Oyedepo
  • How to be Lead by the Spirit of the Lord by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • The Potential Principle by Edwin Louis Cole
  • Understanding Vision by Dr. David Oyedepo



Lesson One: Introduction        5
Lesson Two: Call To Ministry        6
Lesson Three: The Foundation For Ministry     9
Lesson Four: The Place Of Vision And Dreams     11
Lesson Five: Faith

Lesson Six: Wisdom         15
Lesson Seven: Diligence                 16
Lesson Eight: Discipline         17
Lesson Nine: Focus And Zeal        21
Lesson Ten:  Relationship

Lesson Eleven: Provision For Ministry
Lesson Twelve: The Essence Of Power (Unction) For Ministry
Lesson Thirteen: Confidence And Integrity
Lesson Fourteen: Problem / Crisis Handling
Lesson Fifteen: Organizational / Administration

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